Best Emerging Young Architects & Designers In Europe

Granada, Spain
Project Competition
July, 2022
Ephemeral Pavilion - A new versatile city that transforms with the urban rhythm - TAC! Festival
The project is generated through a 180º inversion of the city. The reflection of a skyline that makes the empty space that surrounds it habitable. A new parallel universe of possibilities for the city: a REverse. A project that is born as an allegory of the city where the inverted skyline is what generates the useful space, making us aware of the importance of the free space that surrounds us. A space in which the emptiness of the city, the urban space, is what creates opportunity.
The architectural intervention projected in the Plaza del Humilladero makes possible a new reality for the inhabitants of Granada and those visitors who usually walk through its streets, a different version of a non-built environment that is familiar to them, as if it were a parallel universe: a RE-verse.
And as happens in any city, the reflected skyline evolves and transforms in a more or less chaotic way to adapt to the needs of each moment. A transformation that is possible in the proposed pavilion thanks to the installation of a series of
mobile building panels, which change the configuration of the city-pavilion to form different spaces throughout the day. Therefore, the rhythm of the city modifies the rhythm of the pavilion, resulting in an interactive installation with the public and with the city in which it is inserted, which reflects the importance of the voids within the urban fabric.
A project that also takes advantage of a system of generating spaces through the succession of equidistant porticos that recreate the elevation of a city that, together with the mobile building panels, are capable of generating varied scenarios, with different dimensions,
different sequence of spaces and, therefore, different possibilities. A system that also guarantees the itinerancy of the pavilion in case of wanting to take it to other locations inside
or outside Granada, thanks to a completely mechanical and dry assembly.